as i read back over this, i realize all of this makes much more sense to me since I lived the day {don't ya just hate cryptic jabber}...and there is a WAY too long of a post that did explode all over a word doc. However, some major editing will have to take place before that sees some light. ...thank you for allowing the verbal expulsion. : )
the drought is over.
It isn’t that I had abandoned my blog entirely...I did think of it in passing from time to time. It’s just that I really had nothing to say. Sure I could have shared a photo session or two or twenty.. {and if you follow me on fb.. I have...} but this blog means more to me than just a collection of “what I do” it is a bit of my heart and soul.. a sharing of my life that runs deeper than just an image or two... yes, I will still share those.. but the dam had to be broken. The proverbial seal removed before I could jump back in.
Tonight as I ran home from the park the words pounding their tiny vocabulary fists on my brain, I knew it was over.
the thing is, I never know how long it will last. Will I feel this joyful bliss of words pouring forth for a week? just tonight? a year? how long can I stay connected this time? will I allow/be ok with the fact that when it does close the door again..that, that too is just a part of the whole? It is after all, the finding my way back that cultivates the juice... perhaps it’s even more significant than the re-opening itself. For what would I have to say if I hadn’t been questioning.... hadn’t been agitated and curious...hadn’t let the frustrations cause me to finally ask a different set of questions?
The question this morning being... “How can I be of service? How can this life I am living better the whole... where will I be drawn to give...what will it look like, and how will this divine spark that yearns to be set free show up on this earthly plane?”
This is where my day started and here my sweet friends, is where it led me....
chips - salt + grease
photo shoot
ice skating
puppies {NEW.. puppies!}
chai + coconut milk + raw vegan treats
new art gallery
a chihuahua named pearl
fun and fantastic laugh out loud greeting cards
more art
gallery owner + wonderful conversation
shop owner
fellow leo
kitties – my boys
concert in the park
kite flying
beautiful children living with no boundaries.
connection to a stranger
joy at the unexpected
answers that I am still uncertain that I want to/or can hear.
darkness falling
beauty shown
children to bed
dirty feet
play and laughter
joy and smiles
to home I tumble
pounding of keys
words dodging my grasp
then forming too fast
typing again
free again
connecting again
I breathe again
I live again
I am me again.
and so it begins.
Yes, to be in that flow, the river within starts to move freely, creating and sculpting the mind, the body, the emotions. Our spirits are light and truth expressing our essence to the universe.
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful day - so full of joy and gratitude! wishing you many, many more :)