daddy races motorcycles...gotta protect those fresh new eardrums. :)

sisters giggling and telling stories... my sides hurt.


deacon and his sweet auntie

and one can not forget the most special... miss daaaaaaaabi. :) loves you dab!

oh so about two years ago i met this wacky adorable funny and awesome family. it maybe took me a wee little while to post.
this session was a giftie for stephanie and her sister's mum and pa. so it was just us girls + deacon. and well... stephanie and her sister laugh a lot! so we totally bonded. :)
you maybe saw this little nugget take his first steps? if not you can peeky over yonder.. can you believe how much he's grown? yeeps.
and since i seem to be surrounded by the most talented amazing people, you simply must adore stephanie and her work. i command thee. she is the owner and styling + flower goddess of petalos floral design.