operation 'rest + recover' i called it. a trip i took last year.
i had been very sick and the process of recovery was slow. it was hard for friends and family to understand. or maybe it was just hard for me to tell them yet again i couldn't go out.
i was exhausted most of the time. i never knew how much energy i would have on a given day. even simple conversations were unthinkably too taxing. my diet was extremely limited. and i had a schedule of supplements to take that made being away from the house difficult.
all this made life in the 'real' world a bit tricky. i was tired of fighting, i wanted time to just be...to allow my body and mind to rest. to not have to explain to anyone why i needed to go sleep for 3-4hrs in the middle of the day, or why i couldn't eat.
and so i retreated. nine days in carmel valley.
during my time there i slept a lot. listened to deepak chopra recordings on healing + meditation. lay in the sun for 2hrs a day. cut off my internet and cell phone communication. and spoke as little as possible.
even with all that, i was feeling worse each day until 'hell day' in which i wished for death. thankfully it didn't come, and praise choirs of angels...i began to feel better.
next morning i slept in till 10, sunned and ate, took my meds, showered and headed into town.
as i drove thru the streets, windows down, enjoying the salty air, i was surprised to hear a cluster of sweet sounds coming from the library. i parked immediately and tromped over to investigate. when i got there i was greeted by this amazing joy-filled troupe of musicians {alma desnuda}. their music was jazzy, smile inducing, and delicious. in fact, it seemed to be infecting all who stopped to listen with waves of happiness.
when the song was over, i introduced myself and asked if i could post a few photos on my blog. best intentions aside, a year later i am finally posting.
if you haven't heard their music, please give a listen. it is sweet. www.almadmusic.com {latest happenings here -- almadesnudalive.tumblr.com}
because they have said it best, this is from their website:
'Four talented and tightly-bonded musicians strive to connect with their listeners to expand the reaches of their own songwriting while inspiring everyone they encounter to radiate positive energy. Their individual and combined works in spiritual exploration, natural healing, world travel, and volunteerism contribute to a sound that extends well beyond the music itself. And their showmanship leaves no crowd untouched.'
and i heartily agree.
everyone who passed that day was touched and uplifted by the music they shared. shopkeepers came out to listen, children tapped their tiny feet and life was a little bit better than it had been before.
thank you chris, tony, joe and paul for sharing your gifts.
peace and radiant blessings to you.
and then .. i went to the beach :)